General Information

Message from the President

The Japanese Society of Insurance Science (JSIS) was launched in 1940 as the successor to the Insurance Society, which was originally established in 1895. We now have a 900-strong membership, including 200 university researchers and 700 practitioners. I am greatly honored to be appointed as President of an academic institution boasting such a long history and tradition, and am keenly aware of the large responsibility that comes with it. I am highly committed to the smooth operation of JSIS, benefitting from the guidance and cooperation of the directors, councilors, auditors and members.

The aim of JSIS is to promote research on insurance and cooperation among insurance researchers, and to facilitate interactions and exchanges with other academic societies and associations both in Japan and abroad. To that end, we are actively involved in the following three areas.

First, we organize national conferences and local meetings. National conferences, held annually in late October at universities across Japan, comprise plenary sessions, symposia and reporting sessions. Memorial and invited lectures are also held in some cases, with the participation of guest speakers from inside and outside JSIS. At symposia and plenaries, we discuss issues related to insurance theory and business, such as natural catastrophes and the declining birth rate with population aging, as well as insurance regulation, supervision and related legislation intended to ensure sound business and policyholder protection. The annual conference has served as a forum for sophisticated and constructive discussion on insurance science in Japan among university researchers with expertise in law, economics and commerce, and practitioners who are JSIS members. Thus, the national conferences provide unique opportunities for the participants to gain a wide range of insights in the field of insurance business and recommend practical tools and policies to help solve problems, without being bound by inflexible thinking.

In addition, each of our three local chapters (Kanto, Kansai and Kyushu) holds two to four regular meetings per year, as well as symposia from time to time at their own initiative. For young researchers, reporting at these local meetings represents a first step toward reporting at national conferences.

Second, we publish Journal of Insurance Science as our official publication. It has a long history of over 120 years, having originated as Monthly Journal of Insurance Science, published by the Insurance Society, the predecessor to JSIS. The Journal mainly contains articles based on reports presented at national conferences and local meetings. In recent years, we have adopted a refereed papers (peer review) system to maintain the quality of the articles. For young researchers and graduate students, getting an article published in a peer-reviewed journal provides confirmation of the high level of their research and leads to the accumulation of academic achievements. In addition, feature articles on the latest economic and social trends related to insurance help the Journal to attract the interest of people from other disciplines and hence raise its prestige.

Third, we promote international exchanges. We have established a relationship with the Korean Insurance Academic Society (KIAS) through mutual dispatch of speakers to annual conferences. We also second a director to the International Insurance Law Association (AIDA: Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances). In addition, we recommend a director to the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA), and many JSIS members have reported at its annual conferences. In the summer of 2023, the annual conference of APRIA will be held in Japan for the first time in 12 years. We will take this opportunity to encourage young researchers to make presentations at academic society meetings abroad and contribute articles to international academic journals. It has become even more important for us to deepen our relationships with other international academic societies and communicate our achievements on a global scale. Indeed, the launch of the JSIS Awards to commend young researchers in particular for their writing activities is part of our effort to improve the quality of research and develop the next generation of global talent.

The world today is becoming increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA). Pandemics and natural threats create uncertainties in daily life and business activities, causing a growing sense of insecurity about the future. Under these circumstances, a correct understanding of the actual situation and clear guidelines are crucial. The same is true in addressing the various risks in life typical of an era when people routinely live for 100 years. The world always contains uncertainties. Every time risks to people’s lives and production activities have materialized, we have risen to the challenge with wisdom and courage. Also, networks connecting national experiences and insights will be increasingly important in a world of globalized risks. Academic achievements in insurance and risk management are needed to navigate the “new normal” in the post-pandemic era. The mission of JSIS is to conduct research in line with the needs of the times, building on our achievements accumulated over the years.

I am committed to fulfilling my duties by supporting and building an enabling environment for all such activities.


Shigenori Ishida
The Japanese Society of Insurance Science
(Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Kansai University)